[Apigee Hybrid] TargetServers cause Apigee 503 error


We have an unexpected behavior on Apigee Hybrid regarding Target Servers deployment and I would like to know if you already encountered it and if you know the cause and/or a way to correct it.

Version Apigee Hybrid : v1.7.2

1. config Targetservers

Target servers config is on git repository.  Our targetServers.json :


    "name": "our-backend",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "description": "our-backend-env",
    "host": "xx.xxx.xx.xxx",
    "port": XXXX,
    "protocol": "HTTP",
    "sSLInfo": {
      "enabled": false


Note : this backend is NOT HTTPS. 

2. Maven to deploy


mvn clean apigee-config:targetservers -P<env>


Everything is OK (Maven does not return any error and the expected config can be see in Apigee using UI).

3. We call a proxy using this backend ==> HTTP 503

If we call a proxy using this backend, we receive a 503 error message from Apigee :


    "fault": {
        "faultstring": "The Service is temporarily unavailable",
        "detail": {
            "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ServiceUnavailable"


In Trace, the proxy turns to error state after the "Flow" proxy endpoint section.

Note : I can't show a screenshot of Trace because once it's manually repaired (see below), we have to remove all proxies to delete a target server and that's not an option (for now). 

4. Manual correction...

To correct this behavior, we just need to manually disable/enable the target server using UI. After that, all proxies return to the expected behavior.

Any idea or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



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You can try the following:
1. After the maven deployment is complete, fetch theTargetServer details via mgmt api .
2. After the TargetServer is disabled/enabled via UI, fetch the TargetServer details via mgmt api.
3. Compare the above two json against the TargetServer json defn you have in your repo, check if there are any differences.  
