Apigee Hybrid Cassendra ring connectivity between Data center

As per link

1) Do we have any link which can indicate design connecting two Apigee hybrid Cassendra ring between two data centers using either Interconnect or Dedicated connection, with high level networking details?

2) Either using Interconnect or dedicated firewall requirement for Cassendra will remain same ? as below ?

  • Open Cassandra ports 7000 and 7001 between Kubernetes clusters across all regions to enable worker nodes across regions and datacenters to communicate. See Configure ports."


@dino  @rganap @strebel 

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The requirement will remain same. All the nodes across all regions needs to communicate with each other on port 7001.  This is how Cassandra rings communicate.

Thanks @rajeshmi  Do we have any reference diagram which can be used for interconnect representation (high level) 

I think the closest that is available publicly is https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.7/multi-region

You can find more about interconnectivity here : https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/interconnect/concepts/dedicated-overview