Analytics dashboard is not displayed in chrome

Proxy traffic graph is not displayed on Google chrome, while it is shown in other browsers. Even opening the page in incognito mode or updating the browser doesn't help. The graph can be successfully seen in Firefox.

Google chrome 7348-chome-test.png



0 3 178

This generally happens when the system language is configured to some local language other than English.

When you Right click on Chrome -> Choose inspect element -> Select console tab

You can see "TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of null" error.


To check that you can run 'new Date()' command on chrome's console and you will get a similar output to below:

new Date();
Wed May 07 2014 11:59:05 GMT+0300 (Финляндия (лето))

Second pair of parentheses is the issue. Some translation for clarification: лето - summer time. Therefore while evaluating second pair of parenthesis, chrome errors out and hence not able to display the graph.

As a workaround you can try changing the system's language to US-English and this should work as expected.

Is this a Private Cloud account?

For Eval accounts it is working perfectly fine.

Yes it is Edge Private Cloud.