Analytics Summary Report for onprem Apigee

On Apigee Edge Cloud, there is an option to get "Analytics Summary Report" by subscribing via an API. This provides a report that compares the past 7 days trafficwith previous day's trafficand shows the % change in traffic.

This is the link i referred -->

How do i get similar report for Apigee Edge On-prem.


Rajeev S

1 4 294

Not applicable

Hi Rajeev S

As mentioned here, you can call the API or check/uncheck directly on the UI

I don't remember if the API works on private cloud but you can see the checkbox(if you are not seeing now) by following the below steps

apigee.feature.disableaxdailysummaryreportsetting is “true” by default in the opdk

On the Ui server,

vi /opt/apigee/customer/application/ in,set: conf_apigee_apigee.feature.disableaxdailysummaryreportsetting=false
apigee-service edge-ui restart

once done, you should see the checkbox on the UI.

Can you also try the API once you see the checkbox and update it here if it works?

Hi Maruti,

We have got the checkbox enabled now and after opting in for the Summary report, we get a success message, but email are not coming in.

Any other settings need to change?

$ curl -X GET http://<<host>>:8080/v1/organizations/<<o>>/stats/preferences/reports/dailysummaryreport?optin=true -u <<credentails>>

<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"></head><body><div><div><h3><a href="" target="_blank">apigee</a></h3></div><div><p>You are already opted in</p></div></div></body></html>

Not applicable

The analytics summary report is not supported by default on private cloud. There is a need to deploy an extra module (assuming pre-reqs are met) to do this. If this is needed, please contact support team.

Support team has confirmed that its not available on-prem. Is there a way i can get it from custom reports by using Analytics APIs?