Accessing KVM (dynamic) using nodeJS

Hi All,

Need some insight on the following scenario :

I am trying to use nodeJS to retrieve Details from KVM ( Dynamic map and values)

  1. We have to maintain Developer related information in Encrypted form ( that's the need to chose KVM over Developer App custom tribute)
  2. A common nodeJs based proxy will be called out from JS to retrieve KVM details . Dynamic KVM map name and key will be used send to the node application to retrieve details.


  1. When we create node application, we need to give a listener port. , What's the port we should chose ( any best practice) , also when we have multiple node application how do we manage these ports.
  2. The nodeJS application will be called heavily from different proxies, Can node in Apigee support it ( any performance related issue)
  3. Will un-deploying the nodeJS based proxy clear all artifacts and Listener port will be released too?
  4. Any suggested way to cater the scenario ?


KVM policy doesn't support dynamic maps

JS doesn't support calling KVM in Apigee.

I have created a small POC to check if i can retrieve details form KVM

var http = require('http');
var apigee = require('apigee-access');

var svr = http.createServer(function (req, res)
  console.log('The deployment mode is ' + apigee.getMode());
// map name will be dynamic 
  var kvm = apigee.getKeyValueMap('KVPMap', 'environment');
 // v1 will be dynamic variable in actual code
  kvm.get('v1', function(err, key_value) 
     apigee.setVariable(response, 'kvmvalue', key_value);     

svr.listen(9000, function() {
    console.log('Node HTTP server is listening');
<br />

Looking forward for your response


0 1 676


It seems a bit heavy to use a nodejs target in order to retrieve and parse JSON from the KVM. The nodejs target will soon be deprecated in favor of Hosted Targets, and the apigee_access module will likewise be deprecated. We think there are better ways to do things than use the apigee_access module.

Can you help me understand what you mean by this:

KVM policy doesn't support dynamic maps

What does the KVM policy NOT DO, that you would like it to do? Maybe give an example to clarify it for me. I think maybe you want a dynamic MAP NAME. Why do you need that? You have a dynamic key. Why not use the key for the dynamic behavior, and not also require a dynamic map name. Remember the key is composite. You can store thousands of entries in a single map.

Normally what I have seen people do, is retrieve from KVM with a KeyValueMapOperations policy using the Get element. And then parse the resulting JSON and extract the value from the retrieved string into a set of context variables.

This requires 2 policies: a KVM GET and then a "boilerplate" JS policy that can just JSON.parse() the retrieved value, and then walk the JSON hash and set a bunch of context variables, one for each property in the hash. Suppose the stored value is

{"a":1, "b": "xyz", "c": true}

...then the result of the JS policy would be to parse that and set these variables:

myprefix.a 1
myprefix.b "xyz"
myprefix.c true

And then of course you would need a third policy, or a Condition etc, which would refer to the variables that were extracted by the JS policy.

The KVM GET can of course be parameterized. You can specify a variable or a set of variables to compose the Key you use in retrieval. So that is one element of dynamic behavior; maybe you were not aware of it? Eg,

  <Parameter ref="client_id"/>
  <Parameter ref="system.time.dayofweek"/>

If you retrieve JSON from the KVM, In the future there will be another option available to you; in the Message Template, you will be able to use a jsonPath() query on the JSON string, similar to a simple variable reference. That would allow you to extract the value of "b" without a JS policy. if json_value_from_KVM holds the JSON string, you could do this:


But this isn't yet available.