Access token lists

is there a way to get the lists of access tokens related to a particular user?

corrected: What I really wanted to ask is: whether there is a way of doing this without using Management API

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Sorry Sir, I should have rephrased my question. I wanted to know if there is a way without doing Management API calls

Nope .

You need to use the management API to do that.

We got notice from Apigee (below is the excerpt):

"...making calls to the Management APIs directly from your API proxies. This is not a recommended design pattern that will be disabled in the near future and we recommend that you explore ways to redesign your API proxies that do not invoke the Management API."

when we asked what does the "near future" means, they said it will be 3rd quarter of this year (July - September).

yes. Do you have a question?

just to confirm that the only way is to use Management API, right?

so do you know if there is a way to verify the token by just using the user id and app id?