Access Workday REST Endpoint from Apigee using OAuth2.0

Access Workday REST Endpoint from Apigee using OAuth2.0

Access Workday REST Endpoint from Apigee using OAuth2.0 I want to access the Workday REST API using OAuth2.0 from Apigee Edge. Can any one give me steps to be done. I have following details from Workday

- Workday Endpoint URL

- Client ID

- Client Secret - Refresh token -Client Grant Type is Authorization code grant How do I generate access token and use in Apigee to get access to Worday REST API. If some one has detail step please share it.

0 1 1,644

Not applicable

Authorization code is a three legged oauth. The steps for Authorization code grant type

1. get the code from apigee{consumer_key}&response_type=code&red...

2. send the code in your request to get the access token from apigee

$ curl https://{org_name} -X POST -d 'client_id=bBGAQrXgivA9lKu7NMPyoYpKNhGar6K&client_secret=hAr4GngA9vAyvI4'

3. send the request with the access token to the service having workday endpoint where access token will be validated against apigee first before sending request to the backend.

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ylSkZIjbdWybfs4fUQe9BqP0LH5Z" http://{org_name}

For more reference