Access Denied error in the dev portal home page

I get the Access denied error page in the home page of the apigee devportal.

Nginx shows the 403 error in its log file.

and in the /admin/reports/dblog I find access denied warning for the /node/1 (home) page. I'm not able to find why the access denied error in the home page of developer portal.

and in the Site information page for access denied error, its been asked to redirect to home page with the access denied error.

Please help.

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That's a tough one, could be a lot of things.

I assume since you're able to view recent log messages, that you're able to log in as an admin user? Have any additional modules been installed?

Can you try logging in as the user with uid 1? This user is typically called "admin", and should pass all access checks. Usually this problem is seen with mis-configured access control modules, or a missing permission like "view published content". Is that permission applied to the authenticated user role and the anonymous user role?