APIGEE Integration with Kubernetes Service Discovery

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I am developing microservices. I am planning to use Kubernetes for cluster management and leverage APIGEE Edge as gateway on top of microservices for API management.

How can I manage service discovery in APIGEE for my microservices.

I watched the webinar


to get an idea of achieving the same.

Can I get more specific details from implementation perspective. Also It would be good to have sample of webinar demo to run the use case at my end.

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Were you able to achieve it? If so, please share the details.

I did not have a chance to look at the video but there is no reason why you have to do Service Discovery within Apigee.

If i had to do this, i would configure the target URL's as i normally would in my apigee proxies. For e.g.

lets say i configure the URL cart.api.xyz.com into my shopping cart proxy.

When an actual request is made,yours DNS resolver should ALWAYS resolve any url (assuming all your API's are deployed on k8s) to a load balancer balancing between k8s ingress controllers. The ingress controllers will then resolve the hostname (cart.api.xyz.com) to kubernetes services.

Look for Name based Virtual Hosting @ https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/

The kubernetes services would use label selector capabilities to update routing tables as pods start/stop/crash/move.

You get the full benefits of kubernetes discovery without ever having to tell Apigee about it.

Could you explain a little bit more on why you think you need Kubernetes Service Discovery within Apigee?