API Monitoring cannot catch Raise Fault fault code

My alert is based on steps.raisefault.RaiseFault fault code. When it is thrown then API Monitoring catch it and send alert. Hence, I need to throw a RaiseFault in APIGEE error flow along with happy flow. However, I do not know why recently API Monitoring cannot catch RaiseFault fault code when RaiseFault is thrown in <DefaultFaultRule> anymore. I used API Monitoring/Investigate to check then API Monitoring considers RaiseFault as messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ErrorResponseCode fault code now. As a consequence, there is no alert when target server returns error. Is it a APIGEE bug? Does anyone know the reason ?. Thanks alot.

<DefaultFaultRule name="xxx">
            <Condition>abc = "true"</Condition>

RaiseFault code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RaiseFault async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Raise-Fault-1">
    <DisplayName>Raise Fault-1</DisplayName>
            <Payload contentType="text/plain"/>
            <ReasonPhrase>Server Error</ReasonPhrase>

@Dino-at-Google Do you know this strange behavior?

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