500 Error from apigee

I'm trying to invoke an api using the apigee proxy that I have created but I'm getting the below error from apigee

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Unexpected EOF at client","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.adaptors.http.flow.UnexpectedEOFAtClient"}}}

I tried to find documentation around it but didn't get anything helpful. can anyone please help me out on this?

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...indicates to me that the client app, the thing sending in the request to Apigee, has not sent a full request.  Maybe the client sent a non-zero content-length header, and then didn't send any content.  Or maybe the client broke the HTTP protocol in some other way.  This can happen if the client crashes in the midst of a transminssion.  Or if the client is just not sending what it said it would send.  In any case, Apigee is complaining that the client isn't correctly implementing the http protocol. 

Fix your client app! 

I have verified the request body of the POST API that I'm invoking and it has all the content in the right format. just one thing I found out that one of the json fields in the request body has string with '=' in it. If there is more than one '=' for multiple values of this field in the json I get this error. When I sent the utf-8 encoded value for '=' i.e \u003D the api succeeds without any issue. It seems to be a problem with the encoding on how these characters are sent in the request.

A similar example of the request body I'm sending 





      "field":"abc == true"
      "field":"xyz == true"