404 On All Proxies

Not applicable


On my new account, all the proxies I setup just 404. Its like theres something wrong with the account



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1 8 409

@Joseph Garbett,

There was some issue with Routers due to which you were seeing 404 Errors for your API proxies. We restarted the Routers and we are now to able to run your APIs successfully both on test and prod environments. Can you please verify at your end ?



View solution in original post


@Joseph Garbett , Welcome to Apigee Community.

Seems like it's a DNS issue / trial account is decommissioned. Any idea how long back you have created account ? Is it a free Apigee account ?

Oh 😞

Its a free account and created yesterday.

@Joseph Garbett , Have you done any proxy development on above org ? Is account creation successful for you when you created same yesterday ?

@Joseph Garbett,

There was some issue with Routers due to which you were seeing 404 Errors for your API proxies. We restarted the Routers and we are now to able to run your APIs successfully both on test and prod environments. Can you please verify at your end ?



My API proxies continue to fail intermittently. My org name is gg-admin and I am seeing intermittent 404 for many of my API.

@Rakesh Saha,

I tried running one of the APIs in your org 'gg_admin'

curl -v https://gg_admin-prod.apigee.net/curegatewaytest/v2/products

I got a 401 Error because of the missing APIKey. I am not seeing 404 Error. I also tried running the query that you have posted above

https://gg_admin-test.apigee.net/cg/v2/packages?ql=Category='General Surgery'&city=Kolkata≈ikey=

Again, I got a 401 Error.

Can you please provide the API call that is throwing 404 Error ?



Perfect, thank you for investigating !

Not applicable

I am seeing Usergrid queries failing probably due to failure in Usergrid api proxy and proxy response 404 for org gg-admin.

I am using local proxy chaining.

For queries with https://gg_admin-test.apigee.net/cg/v2/packages?ql=Category='General Surgery'&city=Kolkata&apikey=....