AppSheet Community Roundup: September 2022

Community Manager
Community Manager

AppSheet Community Roundup: September 2022


Welcome to our monthly Community Roundup series! Check out our latest news and upcoming events, along with new Community feature updates.

Top Contributors in September

We love to see how many of you are eager to participate in the Community's discussions. Let’s take a quick look at who contributed the most through thread replies authored and topics published in the month of September. 

Meet our top contributors:

Thank you to our top contributors for all of the solutions you all bring to the AppSheet Community.

Are you ready to join the leaderboard as one of our next top contributors? Learn all about how to contribute to the Community here.

Top five conversations in September

Here are our most popular discussions in the AppSheet Community over the past month:

Looking for more topics and discussions? Visit the AppSheet Q&A or Tips & Tricks forums to join the conversation or start something new.

Community Feature Updates in September

The Community team continues to work hard to improve the Community based on your valuable feedback. Below is an overview of the recent updates to our Community features. Let us know what you think of these updates with a comment below! We’d love to hear from you.

Stay up-to-date with the latest AppSheet announcements, including platform updates, new features, and Community news.

Get Engaged!

As we continue to develop and expand the AppSheet Community offerings, your feedback is essential. We invite Community Members to engage through activities such as:

  • Regular events, including Office Hours, where members connect to learn about how others have used AppSheet to create apps that streamline their work
  • Community-sourced resources, tips, and knowledge-sharing on the forums
  • Member discussions with Q&A amongst peers and Googlers

Do you have ideas of ways the community can serve our members better? We’re all ears! 

Next AppSheet Office Hours: November 3rd, 2022 Discover new AppSheet databases and No-Code Chat Apps 



Join us for the next AppSheet Office Hours on November 3rd at 11AM PT to dive deeper into new platform enhancements that help improve both the app creator and end user experience - AppSheet databases and no-code Chat Apps.

AppSheet databases are the new first party, native datasource for organizing and managing data powering AppSheet apps. Our experts will demonstrate how to create an app using AppSheet databases and explain how this new feature helps solve challenges around data formatting, making changes after initial app creation, scalability, sync speeds, and more. 

Additionally, with AppSheet No-Code Chat Apps, app creators can ​​add chatbot functionality to their apps so that any AppSheet app can be published as a Chat App to a customer’s Workspace Internal Marketplace with a single click and are available for free internal distribution in their organization.

Attendees will be able to ask questions and we’ll show you a template that was built by the AppSheet team inspired by real use cases. 

Save your spot to learn more about the benefits of these features, how to use them, and for an opportunity to to ask questions and receive live answers. 

Usability improvements: simplifying navigation in the Editor and creation of Slices

Over the last month, @Arthur_Rallu announced new usability improvements to the App Editor with improvements to the navigation menu and introducing a new “Settings'' section. The new “Settings” section gathers together all app-wide settings and makes it more intuitive for all app creators to find these types of settings. 

Second, AppSheet now lets you build Slices in the context of a View. New app creators will be able to discover this functionality more easily while app creators who already know AppSheet well will be able to create and edit Slices a little bit faster.

Check out the announcement post for all the details and to provide your feedback!



App Template of the Month: Marketing Projects


Marketing project management tools can be a huge help to teams for the management of budgets, invoices, tasks and deadlines. Streamlining the marketing workflow with software can be a game-changer for teams large and small, but they can also be costly, clunky and a pain to set up.


This template is designed for teams to keep track of projects, with the ability to assign tasks, track progress, and sort projects by custom groupings. Multiple view options allow for simple sorting of data. Color coding and status indicators help stakeholders stay updated with project progress.

Fully customizable, this app template contains a set of descriptive columns that provide important information about the specifications of each task, including the Owner, Status, Progress, and more. Special column types allow users to view each task and immediately discern what has been completed vs. what’s left to complete.

Copy and customize the app template here! 


Each month Community Members just like you work together to crowdsource solutions to the thousands of collective challenges members experience while building no-code apps with AppSheet. Have you ever had a complete stranger dive in and help solve a persistent problem, share a link to the exact resource you had been looking for, or just reassure you that you’re on the right path with your project? Let them know! 

Marking questions as “Solved” helps your fellow community members know that the solution worked and publicly thanks them for helping out. The process for marking threads as solved is super simple. 

At the bottom of the solution, click the “Accept as Solution” button. 


The thread will be updated to show that the question, issue or bug has been addressed with a solution:



Don't leave Michael Scott hanging! Marking a reply as an accepted solution will help other members and visitors to the community identify content that solves users’ problems and makes interesting contributions more prominent and easy to access.

Community Tip of the Month

One of the most popular aspects of the AppSheet Community are all the tips and tricks members share with each other. Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge, aha moments, and recommendations as they go a long way in helping your fellow app creators unlock the power of AppSheet.  

Almost Pixel Perfect PDF Reports from Automation

This month we highlight this tip from @SkrOYC on how to use automation to create PDF reports using your apps. This thread was initially shared in March of 2022 and has more than 1,300 views. 


In this thread, @SkrOYC  takes members step-by-step through requirements, setup and even use cases! Check it out and don't forget to share your appreciation by liking the post, adding a comment and subscribing to the thread so you won’t miss updates. 😀 

Product updates and release notes

Here’s an overview of AppSheet product updates and enhancements over the past month. To stay up-to-date with the latest, make sure you subscribe to Release Notes


  • The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. Learn how to participate in the AppSheet preview program for app client features.
  • We have introduced new usability improvements to the App Editor with changes to the navigation menu and introducing a new “Settings'' section. The new “Settings” section gathers together all app-wide settings and makes it more intuitive for all app creators to find these types of settings. Other areas of the Editor will now also look simpler and will let app creators focus on the key and most frequent tasks they need to do to build their apps. View Announcement 

For the complete and most up-to-date details on product updates, see the Release Notes forum here

Did you Join us for Next '22? 

Watch the best of Google Cloud Next. 


Tomorrow starts today. Keep solving for tomorrow’s challenges today by exploring our on-demand content, access is complimentary. One million builders, dreamers, and leaders assembled from around the world for Google Cloud Next '22 to learn and grow together to meet tomorrow head on.

Register now to access the best of the Google Cloud Next online programming - all complimentary! Plus, registering will make sure you are looped into future announcements including releases and other engagement opportunities. 

Stay in the Know

Thank you to all our Community members who continue to make this space an engaging and informative place to be. If you have any feedback, please feel free to add your thoughts to the Community Feedback forum here or add a comment directly to this post.

Make sure you don't miss out on the latest Community news, activities, or opportunities by subscribing to News & Announcements. To do so, go to the Announcements page and click on the blue button that says "Subscribe." You can also learn more about how to manage your subscriptions and notifications in this article here.

Thanks everyone. Until next time!

The Google Cloud Community Team

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Roderick wrote:

Don't leave Michael Scott hanging!




@Roderick wrote:


  • We are beginning to launch our new Data Schema Explorer, which will let app creators explore their data tables while they are editing them. The data explorer will help you visualize your data as you’re working on your expressions, and make inserting columns into your expressions easier. View Announcement


Is this indeed something new and incremental? The linked announcement is from a year ago and describes existing functionality.

The Copy & Paste monster strikes again! This is from an older template that I repurposed. Thanks for catching. 😅