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Since ‎01-31-2017

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We are having a challenge with using KeyValueMapOperations policy. When we implemented the code few years ago, we have defined the KVM policy to have expiry value as 30 days. 2628000This documentation clearly says that cache can be cleared when an en...
We are introducing Message Logging using PostClientFlow. The implementation of PostClientFlow is as follows:A shared flow is invoked in PostClientFlowThe shared flow has 2 policies - first a JS policy to create custom log string, then a MessageLogger...
The Look-up-cache policy docs mention about how to generate a custom cache key by combining various key fragments. But is it possible to store the generated cache-key into some variable or extract using Extract Variable policy?I would like to use the...
For the CPS API "Get KeyValueMap in an Organization":https://apidocs.apigee.com/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/keyvaluemaps/%7Bmap_name%7DIt is documented that for a CPS enabled organisation, only first 100 keys will be returned. We...
While going through several documentations on Apigee CPS changes, I came across this linke on deprecated features:https://docs.apigee.com/release/deprecated-featuresThere is one listing which says that at a time top 100 KVM will be displayed after CP...
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