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Since ‎09-23-2014

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Does anyone know of an automated way of migrating analytics reports between physically separated orgs i.e. for a private cloud customer?
Do you know if there is a way I can get the apigee eLearning courses off line as I spend quite a lot of time travelling so would like to use this time to get through the apigee eLearning courses?https://academy.apigee.com/courses/elearning
What techniques are available to allow API teams with multiple proxy developers to work on the same proxy?Suppose they are all working in the dev environment and have different features they need to develop how do they work independently without gett...
APIs don't exist in isolation, they're intimately linked to the Apps that consume them and the Targets systems they're exposing. I've written up some thoughts on how you might use the default Edge Cloud setup to help you coordinate these cycles toget...
OverviewAPI proxies don't live in isolation, they are intimately linked to the Apps that consume them and the Target APIs they in turn consume. Thinking about how you coordinate the SDLC of you API and Apps is important to ensure clear path to produc...
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