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Since ‎09-13-2022

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Hello team,I am working in Google identity platform for resetting password. Below is the APIhttps://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:sendOobCode?key=[API_KEY]I am able to receive the password reset email after setting the template. But the ...
Hello team,I am working in Google identity platform for resetting password. Below is the APIhttps://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:sendOobCode?key=[API_KEY]I am able to receive the password reset email after setting the template. But the ...
Can anyone please let me know how do we set up email server for google identity platform "Send password reset email" API. It was told that 'You can send a password reset email by issuing an HTTP POST request'. I am getting success response but not re...
Hi Team,Can you please let me know how do we set up email server for google identity platform "Send password reset email" API. It was told that 'You can send a password reset email by issuing an HTTP POST request'. I am getting success response but n...
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