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Bronze 3
Since ‎12-12-2018

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Hi All,I have some doubt could someone clear me out for these questions?1. How to send Access token in body of url encoded form? 2. What are the best way to send client key and secret? 3. How to handle error in single RF policy for Proxy Endpoint, Ta...
Hi All,My usecase is: I created Encrepted KV-Map which has multiple k-v data saved which is username and password. Key Value Govind Verma Amit Rao Mehtab Khan Joe Denly Nalini PriyaNow I applied Basic Authentication Policy to authenticate the usernam...
Hi All,My use case is if I'm sending my request as : uri?username=govind&password=vermaIt should return response as : "True" And Similarly In query parameter, If my username and password is other than "govind verma" , It should give reponse as "False...
Hi All, I have a usecase where I have to send Json and Xml "Post Request". And I'm Using two JavaScript policies in ProxyEndpoint preflow (one for json and another for xml data) and similarly two AssignMessage Policies in ProxyEndpoint postflow. Note...
Hi All,I have a usecase where I have to send an HTTP request with an XML and JSON body. In the API Proxy, I would like to add an element (sum of two elements i.e, a & b) and then obtain the modified body only c as a response by adding the value of a ...
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