"apache" user owning the devportal web root files

Not applicable

We have installed version of the devportal and notice that the web root files are owned by "apache user even though the following option during the install was answered to be owned by a different user. Any ideas? Is it a requirement to have "apache" user available on the devportal node?


What user should own the devportal files in the webroot? [root]: portaladmin


1 1 70

You want to make sure the code in the webroot is only readable by the Apache web server to make sure your system is secure. This is to make sure someone cannot exploit the system by modifying the running code.

During installation, we ask you for a user that should own the files. If you do not change this value, the user running the script (root) will own the files. Note that apache will have group ownership of the files in order to read the files.

To change the user that owns the files, you can:

1) Run fix-webroot-permissions.sh script again: You can fix the permisions on the webroot or change the user owning the files by running fix-webroot-permissions.sh located in the tools directory of the installer.

2) Go to the webroot and run: chown -R <username>

The Drupal Dev Portal runs on Drupal, so you can learn more about securing the file system by reading Drupal's Securing file permissions and ownership page.