outerProxySession$ServerContext.onTimeout() error logs seen on PROD Routers

Using OPDK

Seeing this error log added to sys.log for various Router machines in the production cluster

They are logged in group of two INFOs and one ERROR. here is a sample snapshot from one production Router_MP machine 2015-06-09 16:15:03,808 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 INFO STATE - ChannelStateHandler.userEventTriggered() : ALL_IDLE event for channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.x.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001] 2015-06-09 16:15:03,809 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 INFO STATE - ChannelStateHandler.userEventTriggered() : User event ALL_IDLE on Channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.y.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001] 2015-06-09 16:15:03,809 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 ERROR Proxy-session - RouterProxySession$ServerContext.onTimeout() : Session Id: RouterProxy-2-5040187 Message Id:abc.com_RouterProxy-2-5040187_1 Server channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.y.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001] timed out

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We previously had seen the same issue where one of the routers had these timeout errors.

This issue has been addressed after v15.01 of the OPDK.

"They are logged in group of two INFOs and one ERROR. here is a sample snapshot from one production Router_MP machine"

2015-06-09 16:15:03,808 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 INFO STATE - ChannelStateHandler.userEventTriggered() : ALL_IDLE event for channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.x.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001]

2015-06-09 16:15:03,809 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 INFO STATE - ChannelStateHandler.userEventTriggered() : User event ALL_IDLE on Channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.y.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001]

2015-06-09 16:15:03,809 org: env: nioEventLoopGroup-2-24 ERROR Proxy-session - RouterProxySession$ServerContext.onTimeout() : Session Id: RouterProxy-2-5040187 Message Id:abc.com_RouterProxy-2-5040187_1 Server channel [id: 0xdeda56f0, /x.y.110.6:29873 => /x.y.111.94:9001] timed out

So i see the pattern when I break it down like this - but the question i have is what exactly is the problem? Is this a router losing connectivity to a message processor? To another router in the cluster? Or is this just a connection from a client VIA router to a proxy in the message-processor being reaped?