javacallout system.out.println

Hi Experts,

If you look at the below link there is System.out.println how would I see this? for example, If it was java script print I can see it in the trace, but not sure how would see it for Java callout System.out.println, like where is it logging ?



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I believe these will go the MP logs, so they won't be accessible with a saas version of Apigee.

I think it would go to runtime plane logs rather  Managed Plane, coud you pls check the log location of it and let me know where it precisely logs. Thanks

Apologies for the confusion, "MP" commonly refers to the Message Processor component or runtime pods in Hybrid.

Thanks for your reply.Setting up a hybrid is such complex and expensive for a normal developer to try out. Is there any opdk (on-premises apigee installer) I can install on my local docker container/minikube?