is there an IP address limitation on open api import?

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in my private cloud deployment i am starting to believe that the "create by open api" option might actually be getting limited by IP address. Whenever i try to import a doc from say: - one that passes json lint and renders okay in swagger editor - i get an immediate error:

"Error using OpenAPI: Bad request"

This is quite different from the swagger docs that take a while to time out because of lack of network access.

Is there some way to fix this? I would really like to use this feature.

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Have you tried the YAML version of the OAS document?

thats not the problem. from cloud i am able to load this INSTANTLY: if i take that file and load it on my own server and call it via the UI:

I get this error (see image)


and just for giggles i put the petstore swagger up on a site that I was able to proxy to a public IP address via one of our gateway planets... i was able to load it from there w/o any problems! So it is a limitation of IP blacklisting...

@Benjamin Goldman

Did you try using chrome developer tools to track the api calls made when you hit Apply above ?

specifically the Network group that lists the calls being made and the corresponding response.

May give an idea on the response that the management api is getting when you are using your own server IP.

Yes you need to change an UI configuration section (and restart the edge-ui): see here