apigee OPDK

Hi Experts,

I want to install apigee  on the premises on my laptop,pls advise how would I do that. However, I can use Edge but what i was trying to evaluate was Java callout since in trial verison of edge it is disabled hence want to try with apigeeopdk installation.


0 2 358

You can try this github project. This is not an official supported version to run Edge using docker containers.


Hi Gandauria,

When I run the first command to create a container i get the below error pls advice.

docker container create --name apigee-edge-aio -p 3001:3001 -p 9090:9090 -p 9099:9099 -p 9000:9000 -p 8080:8080 -p 9001:9001 -p 3000:3000 -p 8079:8079 -it docker.apigee.net/apigee-edge-aio

Below error
Unable to find image 'docker.apigee.net/apigee-edge-aio:latest' locally
Error response from daemon: Head "https://docker.apigee.net/v2/apigee-edge-aio/manifests/latest": unknown: Project 'project:edge-apigee' not found or deleted.