Undeploy All proxies in an environment

Hi All,

Is there any management API which can be used to undeploy all proxies of an environment ?


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Hi @Faij Ahmad - I dont think there is a direct API to undeploy all proxies for an environment. However, you might be able to achieve this by using a bunch of Mgmt APIs and scripting that using Node or something else

Thank you Sai. I already have created the script but thought to check if there is be a way to do via management api.

Thank you !

Nice work !! Can you share that here (put in GitHub) and share that repo so that it will be useful for others who are looking for something similar ?

Hi @Faij Ahmad - Could you please share the scipt for reference

Here's an example script that undeploys all proxies from any environment, or... undeploys only proxies with names that match a particular regex.


I will need to modify it slightly to handle undeploying only from a specific environment.

EDIT: ok I've modified it so it can undeploy from a particular environment.