Readiness of the gateway components for example the message processor on high load


There are 3 ways were we can keep the message processors ready but not handling the current customer load.

As on the load increases then we can bring these resources - message processors to service the additional load.

1) Install 1 or 2 more message processors and keep the nodes shut down.

2) Install 1 or 2 more message processors and make the reachability as false.

3) Have automation to install and configure a new message processor on a node and be connected to the ELB to service the additional load.

The issue here for 1) is that since the message processors nodes (say x3) are shut-down, how is the new orgs that are created will be deployed? Is there any steps that when we start-up these new nodes, any API calls that we can do to bring up to synch all the org env - api proxy available in the live site servicing message processors to be deployed to the booted up message processor i.e. x3.

For 3) Same question applies here that any newly created message processor need to be in synch up with all the org-env-api proxy to be available.

@archendra : Please let know how to achieve this?

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Before answering your question, PFB the steps to install MP

1) Step first, Install the apigee edge on 3rd MP (Only Message Processor and Not Router) ./ 2) Execute the apigee setup script

/<inst-root>/apigee4/share/installer/ 3) Chose MP when promoted

4) Specify the IP affress for Management Server

5) Specify the GLOBAL admin ID and Password

6) analytics value = yes

7) Enter the POD name for this Message Processor

😎 Specify yes for binding MP to all interfaces

9) At the end, the UUID of MP is displayed Also, you can use the below api call to get the UUID for the new MP curl http://localhost:8082/v1/servers/self -v

10) Now you need to associate the MP to the ORG. In case you want to assiciate to mutltiple ORG, curl -v -u adminEmail:pword -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST "[a href="http:// 11) You can execute the GET call to valdiate step 10 curl -v -u <GLOBAL ADMIN ID> "[a href="http://

Now referring to point 1 (

Install 1 or 2 more message processors and keep the nodes shut down)

- So in the installation step point 10 is very important. It associates the MP to the ORG.

So as soon as the installation is done, the MP is in cluster with the other MPs and router and also it gets all the data from Cassandra. So you need not worry about other aspects. The new MP will have all the required information.

Now, your question (

the message processors nodes (say x3) are shut-down, how is the new orgs that are created will be deployed)

----From your question, my understanding is that you the 3rd MP is down, and you had created a new ORG.

It this is so and you want to associate the MP with the new ORG, then execute the step 10 mention i.e. associate the MP to the ORG and automatically all the details will deployed on the MP.

I hope I have answered your question.

To verify the details, execute the below command and in the response, you will view the new MP UUID .

Provide proper region and pod name

/<inst-root>/apigee4/contrib/ [-p <admin-password>] <region> <pod>

Hi @gbhandari , steps for the curl for 10 and 11 are truncated.

Could you please update the full curl commands?

Is the following correct?

10) Now you need to associate the MP to the ORG. In case you want to assiciate to mutltiple ORG,

curl -v -u adminEmail:pword -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST "http://<ms_IP>:8080/v1/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/servers" -d "action=add&uuid={mp_UUID}"

11) You can execute the GET call to valdiate step 10

curl -v -u adminEmail:pword "http://<ms_IP>:8080/v1/o/{org_name}/e/{env_name}/servers


I am able to get the proper response

curl -v -u apiadmin "http://localhost:8080/v1/o/qa/e/e2_test/servers

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Type: application/json < Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 12:23:27 GMT < Content-Length: 162 < * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact * Closing connection #0 [ "c11e3a84-6f91-4390-8567-", "-be4f-4e2e-a87b-2c3a32bfa1ba", "-cb4a-4ce4-8db7-894f0739d230", "-7129-4161-8b72-215b360c8c80" ]

Can you please share which curl command you are running and share the output as well.?

Also, any one with ORG admin rights can run this command.