Inspite of earning a passing score in Apigee's API Engineer Certification, I haven't recieved a relevent Badge

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I have recently appeared "Apigee Certified API Engineer" exam in which I have earned a passing score. Around 2 days later, I received a Credly Credit Badge entitling "Apigee Trained API Engineer" instead of "Apigee Certified API Engineer".

I am not able to understand why I haven't issued a credit Badge for "Apigee Trained API Engineer" inspite of earning a passing score.

Please help.

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Your issue should be fixed now - can you double check that you have the correct badge?

View solution in original post


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@Paul Williams @Anil Sagar @ Google : Hi Paul & Anil, Maybe you can help me here.Please guide me further.

Your issue should be fixed now - can you double check that you have the correct badge?

Thank you @ozanseymen

I have received the updated Badge.