Implicit Grant: Generate Access token on console

Not applicable


I implemented Implicit grant, but is is generating access token only in Apigee Edge Trace, not in console using curl command:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' '' -H 'Content-Length: 0'

I have:

<OAuthV2 name="GenerateAccessTokenImplicit">
    <GenerateResponse enabled="true"/>

In Trace i can see the token:

Is there a way to see the token value in console when i call from my command line?



0 4 799

Hi @Kumud Gautam,

Kindly look for Location header in the response for redirectUri and the appended access token.

With <GenerateResponse> enabled, the policy returns a 302 Location redirect in the response header. The redirect points to the URL specified in the redirectUri parameter and is appended with the access token and token expiration time. Note that the implicit grant type does not support refresh tokens.

If <GenerateResponse> is set to false, the policy does not return a response. Instead, it populates the following set of flow variables with data pertaining to the access token grant. (In your case, for instance)


Refer : Implementing Implicit Oauth Grant Type for more details.

Hope this helps, thank you.

@Nisha Mallesh

Thanks for the reply.

I agree with you, If <GenerateResponse> is set to false i get a 200 OK and i see the access token value in Apigee trace as below:

apigee.access_token : xxxxxxxxxx

But I want to see the access token value in my Console when i run my curl command or through POSTMAN client. I cannot go back to Apigee trace to get the value of access token every time i use implicit grant.

Is there a way to generate the access token on the console or using Postman for Implicit grant?

Please suggest.



You can make use of Assign Message Policy that can give you back the following variables as a part of response body after the Access token is generated


New Member

Please ensure that whatever client you are using to see the response that you can see the full 302 response. When using cURL, this means you will want to use the -v parameter.