Image Recognition APIs?

New Member

Anyone played around with some of the newer Image recondition APIs they would like to share?

Here is my story:

As an App developer, I require an API which will provide me a 0 to 100% probability metric that a brands logo is shown within a given static image?

Nothing serious, just thinking of ideas for my next hackaton project.

2 4 370

Not applicable

Hi @Kristopher Kleva , this is very cool! I think you should be able to leverage from Apigee, Google Cloud Vision API. It looks like they have an API, which you can submit an image and get a response with annotations about the content of the image. Take a look at this You have 1,000 requests for free per month.

From this API documentation you can do this:



        "content":"/9j/7QBEUGhvdG9...image contents...eYxxxzj/Coa6Bax//Z"

2) Get a response

  "responses": [
      "labelAnnotations": [
          "mid": "/m/0bt9lr",
          "description": "dog",
          "score": 0.97346616
          "mid": "/m/09686",
          "description": "vertebrate",
          "score": 0.85700572
          "mid": "/m/01pm38",
          "description": "clumber spaniel",
          "score": 0.84881884
          "mid": "/m/04rky",
          "description": "mammal",
          "score": 0.847575
          "mid": "/m/02wbgd",
          "description": "english cocker spaniel",
          "score": 0.75829375

Good answer. Obvious choice. Any others?

Not applicable

Checkout Pikz, an Image Recognition under SaltLab World Technology division.

API accuracy is great...

Check the Image Recognition results on demo results at Image Recognition Results

API is currently private and details will only be shared with the registered users.

API is currently private and details will only be shared with the registered users.