How to set up TLS/SSL Certificate Expiry alert on ApigeeX

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I have to setup alerts for TLS keystores before they are going to expire in ApigeeX. We want to be notified, so we can prepare a release to upload it with renewed certificate. Is it possible to send such alerts in apigeeX?


0 1 310

There is an existing feature request (internal ref: b/222098727) for this. 

But for now, you will have to do this yourself. This probably means, you need to set up a scheduled job , that runs nightly, and checks each keystore for certificates, and then checks the validity date for each certificate.  And if one of them is set to expire "soon", then send an alert.  And the alert can be an email, a Slack message, a message in Google Chat, a webhook, etc.

It is up to you to define "soon".  You might also want to track the alerts that were previously sent out.  So you'd need some very small state management. So that you could send an alert when the cert is set to expire in 45 days, 30 days, and 15 days, and 1 day.  But you wouldn't send an alert every day.  To build that kind of thing you'd need persistent state to track which alerts were sent, for each certificate.