Drupal 8 apigee kickstart connection problem


I'm using drupal 8 kickstart for apigee, I followed this doc to configure connection :


But I keep getting this error when I try to create a role or just test the connection in drupal back office (Configuration>Apigee Edge>General):

[ERROR] Error connecting to Apigee Edge. Client error: `GET https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/myorg` resulted
in a `404 Not Found` response:
"code" : "organizations.OrganizationDoesNotExist",
"message" : "Organization : mgenportal does not exist",

I have a trial apigee account.

Has someone faced the same issue? Thanks in advance.

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Hi @mourad-zitouni 
Which Org you are using Apigee Edge trial org or enterprise edition? 

Hi @shishir21

 Thanks for the reply, I'm using Apigee Edge trial org

Apigee Edge trial org is valid only for 30 days. If it is expired then get in touch with Apigee Sales team.

or Understanding organizations check this :


Also you can raise a support ticket using this form here.

I hope that information is helpful.

Yes, I created the account last week so it has not expired yet but even when I go to this url I get 404 not found :

https://apigee.google.com/organizations/myorg (of course replacing "myorg" with my org id)

Try login here https://apigee.google.com/edge and check if you can see your Org there or if you are already logged In, then try https://apigee.google.com/organizations/myorg/apiproducts and check if you can access this page.



Yes I can

In Drupal 8 portal,

when you go "configuration>Apigee Edge>General"  which "Apigee instance type" you are selecting?

I think you have created Org in Apigee X, in this case you should select

"Apigee X (Endpoint: https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1)"

 from the options in "Apigee instance type" and below that provide you Organisation name and and then click on Save configuration.

In fact I need apigee edge but there was a problem with edge trial so I was forced to create an Apigee X like it's described in this discussion:
