Does Apigee offer generic containers?

Does Apigee offer generic containers?

Is the Web servers e.g. nginx used for router qualify that the product uses the generic containers.

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I don't know what you are asking.

Apigee Edge is not a general-purpose container hosting service. Apigee Edge is an API Management Platform.

Maybe you are asking for internal details on how the Apigee Edge SaaS is constructed. We don't document that, as far as I know, and it's not part of the supported interface of the product.

If you elaborate a little more on what you want to know, and why it is important to you, we might be able to tell you more.

Thank you Dino for the quick reply.

To be more specific: for the EU General Data Protection Regulation, does the Apigee Edge Gateway offer generic containers in which solutions / customers can process personal data?

The Message Processor evaluates an incoming request, executes any Apigee policies, and calls the back-end systems and other systems to retrieve data. Once those responses have been received, the Message Processor formats a response and returns it to the client. The message is the http request or response object, each policy can modify, add, remove some thing to the request payload, this is a processing procedure when the message pass through these policies.

This Message Processor also passes the data to the analytics system, which is constantly counting and analyzing metrics like the number of messages received, number of developers, response times, errors, number of apps in use, request size, and many others data.

Could the RMP as a generic container could process personal data [Data containing credit card numbers, bank account information, social security insurance numbers]?

I don't understand the EU-specific definition of "generic container".

But, we do have customers that use Apigee Edge to process personal data including credit card information, PII, and health/medical information. Apigee Edge is available in PCI-compliant and HIPAA-compliant versions. Here are some older info sheets on this. You can talk to your sales rep to get full details.