Approve or revoke company apps by management API

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Is there a way to Approve or Revoke Company Apps, like we do developer apps.

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Hi @Kuldeep Bhati

I mean to change the status of Company App, like we can do of Developer App.

Do we have to pass status as a attribute?

Hi @Vipul Agarwal,

Turns out, there's no such call about "Approve or Revoke Company App" mentioned on documentation at least -, however there's a call, I figured it out by trial and error (so just a caution - you should double check before using it). I checked out this call and replicated for company, and it worked!

Here's the `curl` command you can use;

To revoke: 

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --header "Authorization: Basic <add your Basic Auth>" "{org}/companies/{company-name}/apps/{appname}?action=revoke"

To approve: 

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --header "Authorization: Basic <add your Basic Auth>" "{org}/companies/{company-name}/apps/{appname}?action=approve"<br>

You can also read this - for more insights if you'd like.

I hope this helps.