Apigee hybrid Cassandra back up and recovery

As per link https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.9/cassandra-csi-backup-restore

For back up of Cassandra using  CSI does not list the GCS bucket information during back up in override file.

Let me know, if this does not require GCS bucket to back up Apigee hybrid Cassandra ?

But Non-CSI based https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.9/schedule-cassandra-backup-gcs doccuments back up with GCS bucket in override file indicating name of bucket.

Does that means CSI based CS back up and recovery does not require GCS to back up? can back up using any other public cloud or missing anything ?

@dino  @strebel  @rajeshmi   @sampriyadarshi 


@dknezic @rganap 



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Cassandra CSI backup and restore does not require a GCS bucket for backup. As of Hybrid v1.9 Apigee recommends using CSI backup and restore for instances hosted on Google Cloud, AWS, or Azure.

View solution in original post

non-CSI supports onpremise backups.

View solution in original post


Cassandra CSI backup and restore does not require a GCS bucket for backup. As of Hybrid v1.9 Apigee recommends using CSI backup and restore for instances hosted on Google Cloud, AWS, or Azure.

@dhtx  for back up recovery of Datacenter in onpremise, what will be solution ?

What about keys to manage ?

non-CSI supports onpremise backups.


A.For non-CSI supports onpremise backups to enable monitoring or observability will be with storage buckets

Per link indicates choice between usage and Storage logs when using storage buckets.

1. Recommendation is to use Cloud Audit Logs. and it means that, if we enable Cloud Audit logs then we cannot  view following in Audit logs as listed below in A and B ?

   A. You want your logs to include latency information, the request and response size of individual HTTP requests, or the full URL path and every query parameter.

B. Track changes made by Object Lifecycle Management 

If answer is yes and i need above listed 2 features and still enable with Audit log. Eg: Is there any ways to enable few feature of above logs feature + Audit Logs ? based on use case requirements .. ie If I need above listed feature  plus enable Audit log, is there any ways to enable few feature of storage logs per our use case requirements ?

B. For CSI based approach , which will not require bucket 

1. How the monitoring and observability is counted or governed ?

2. How events are enabled with pub-sub for listed approach in general ?




I don't know enough about Cloud Audit to comment on it. CSI backups will produce disk snapshots when successful. The only solution I could find in monitoring snapshots is using custom dashboards.