Apigee error


While uploading LetsEncrypt certificate in apigee I get the error: {"code":"messaging.config.beans.KeyParseFailure","message":"Failed to parse the Key file : ","contexts":[],"cause":{"message":"Invalid rsa key, reason - expecting an rsa key","contexts":[]}}

However it was working before. Any inputs?

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Specifically for letsencrypt cert generated via certbot please use the below command to generate the cert to work with APIGEE, the main point is that the key should be RSA:

"certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns --key-type rsa -d 'example.com'"



you need to post what exactly you were doing "While uploading LetsEncrypt certificate in apigee".

Command line?  If so, which command?  UI? 

In either case, what specifically were you uploading?