Apigee Eval Account Key Value Maps

I have setup an Apigee Eval account and I was trying to create a Key Value map but the UI allows me to create a new Key Value map, but there is no option to add any values.

Any ideas?

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Yes. You are not missing anything. The UI has not yet been updated to allow the viewing or creation of KVM entries. I think that's coming in the future.

For now, to add and view entries , you need to use the KVM API. The call to add an entry would look like this:


POST :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps/:kvm/entries
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"new-entry-to-add", "value":"keyValue1"}


You can run that from curl, or postman, or whatever REST client you're comfortable with. And of course you'd have to replace all those placeholder items ( :org , :env , etc) with values relevant for your purpose.

To get a usable token, open a terminal and run this command:


gcloud auth print-access-token


And to list existing entries


GET :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps/:kvm/entries
Authorization: Bearer :token


There's also support for a DELETE for a specific entry. In all these cases, :apigee is https//apigee.googleapis. com

View solution in original post


Yes. You are not missing anything. The UI has not yet been updated to allow the viewing or creation of KVM entries. I think that's coming in the future.

For now, to add and view entries , you need to use the KVM API. The call to add an entry would look like this:


POST :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps/:kvm/entries
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"new-entry-to-add", "value":"keyValue1"}


You can run that from curl, or postman, or whatever REST client you're comfortable with. And of course you'd have to replace all those placeholder items ( :org , :env , etc) with values relevant for your purpose.

To get a usable token, open a terminal and run this command:


gcloud auth print-access-token


And to list existing entries


GET :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps/:kvm/entries
Authorization: Bearer :token


There's also support for a DELETE for a specific entry. In all these cases, :apigee is https//apigee.googleapis. com