APIProxy revision xxxx of {proxy} does not exist in environment main of organization {yyyy}

Not applicable

I have API Proxy and revision number 60 has been deployed. Its working fine.

I updated the proxy and deployed revision number 61. Deployment is successful.

But now, when I hit that proxy, I get following error and there is no trace as well:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"APIProxy revision 60 of {Proxy} does not exist in environment {env} of organization {org}","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.runtime.ApplicationNotFound"}}}

If i redeploy the proxy with 60 revision, then it works fine. So this seems the revision 60 for this proxy got stuck in message processor.

I have seen this type of issues multiple times for couple of proxies(not all proxies in that env) and restarting the message processor resolves the issue.

But I would like to know if there is any better approach to troubleshooting and resolve the issue.

1)How to resolve the issue without restarting the Message processor.

2)How to find out which message processor having stuck with revision(if the issue is only with one of the MPs, so that we can restart only that node)

3)Why is this issue keep occurring,

Any help appreciated on this issue.

1 6 3,275


We have a buganizer b68833699 for this issue.

Meanwhile, you need to restart one or more Message Processors to fix this issue by following the below steps:

  1. Run the below command on each of the Message Processor(s) to determine which revision is deployed.
    curl -s 0:8082/v1/runtime/organizations/juan-yzzk/environments/prod/apis/apigee-proxy/revisions
  2. If it has the newer revision (for ex: 61), then check the classification tree. If it has older revision, move to step #4.
    curl -s 0:8082/v1/classification/tree
  3. Check if the classification tree still points to the older revision i.e., 60. If yes, then go to Step #4
  4. Then you need to restart the Message Processor to fix the issue.
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-message-processor restart


Could you please let me know if this is resolved? I am facing the same issue.

Yes, after restarting the Message Processor, the issue should be resolved.

If there are any concerns to restart the MPs, then follow the above steps given by @AMAR DEVEGOWDA .

Let me know if you are still facing the issues even after doing above steps.

Not applicable


I am using Trial account and windows machine. Looks like these commands needs to run on PAI management. Can you please provide how to run these commands from windows local machine?

Oh. I was facing issue in Private cloud. We have access to message processor nodes to run the curl commands and restart the nodes.

Not sure, how about public cloud with trail account.

@adevegowda wrote:


Hi @adevegowda, Is there a bug fix for this issue? I am seeing this problem often on few of our OPDK installations since Dec 2022