Data Filters for Data Store Agents in Dialogflow CX?

Hey all - curious if anyone has successfully implemented or has a video/tutorial around data store and data filtering, as described at the bottom of the documentation for data store agents in dialogflow cx

Specifically, the documentation indicates that "certain data stores available for queries, depending on session parameter values. For example, you may have unique data stores for product categories. To accomplish data store filtering for product categories" and to use session params, condition routes to page that has the desired data store handler, and then transition back into the calling page.  Our understanding/use case would be to enable pulling from a different, unstructured cloud storage-based data store, such as for an internal staff knowledge base tool for general information and then dropping into a more specific page for specific program or department information not germane to all staff, but only to certain lines of inquiry.

We've been able to handle the session parameters and transfer to a page, but we have not been able to get a different data store handler (such as a different unstructured data store source from a cloud bucket), to "stick" nor have we seen any indications the agent is calling the other data store instance.  

Just curious - we're novice and learning - thanks to @xavidop for the vids - those have a been a huge help in getting us started!  

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hey Brandon!

Thanks for the feedback! basically what the documentation is trying to say is that within DialogflowCX, you can transition to different pages/flows that have as handler different data stores. For example, taking your example, imagine that you have a data store about general info from a website and another one with specific info. while you are designing your conversation, you will have to chose one data store or another in the data store handler in your page. Basically the filtering is doing based on the conversation path.

Not sure if I answered your question!

Let me know if you further doubts,


Thanks!  I guess our primary question is: is it possible to have multiple of each type of data store (i.e., 2 unstructured data stores) per flow?

Super appreciative of any resources you know of that we could see how others are doing it or an example!  


Yeah, you can have multiple data stores per flow and per page!


Brandon, were you able to get this to work? Seems VERY similar to a concept I've been trying to build... but have struggled with a few areas.

Thanks! Jon