GyV//QATdwkf/5HJBonzknROEptF68SmmqTdxm3NGmg= test MyValue MyValue MyValue MyValue Name The mutable display name of the user. Subject An immutable, globally unique, non-reusable identifier of the user that is unique to the application for which a token is issued. Given Name First name of the user. Surname Last name of the user. Display Name Display name of the user. Nick Name Nick name of the user. Authentication Instant The time (UTC) when the user is authenticated to Windows Azure Active Directory. Authentication Method The method that Windows Azure Active Directory uses to authenticate users. ObjectIdentifier Primary identifier for the user in the directory. Immutable, globally unique, non-reusable. TenantId Identifier for the user's tenant. IdentityProvider Identity provider for the user. Email Email address of the user. Groups Groups of the user. External Access Token Access token issued by external identity provider. External Access Token Expiration UTC expiration time of access token issued by external identity provider. External OpenID 2.0 Identifier OpenID 2.0 identifier issued by external identity provider. GroupsOverageClaim Issued when number of user's group claims exceeds return limit. Role Claim Roles that the user or Service Principal is attached to RoleTemplate Id Claim Role template id of the Built-in Directory Roles that the user is a member of MyValue MyValue MyValue MyValue MyValue MyValue