{{!-- Apigee Dev Portal Method Template Available variables: - apiId: The UUID of the model. - apiName: The unique name of the model, for example 'petstore-example'. - apiRevisionId: The revision of the model. - baseUrl: The base URL of the model, for example 'http://api.apigee.com/v1' - body: An object of attributes relating to the method body: - contentType: The allowed Content-Type values of the body. - parameters: An array of body parameters, will be populated with values from Swagger 2.0 "in": "formData" parameters. Helper variables: - none --}}


{{#if security}} {{/if}}

{{#if displayName}}{{displayName}}{{else}}{{name}}{{/if}}


Resource URL

{{#if path}} {{path}}{{/if}}

{{#if-query-param this.parameters}}

Query Parameters

{{#query-list this.parameters}} {{/query-list}}
Name Values Description
{{name}} {{#required}}
(required) {{/required}}
{{#if options}} {{else}} {{#if required}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}}


{{/if-query-param}} {{#if-header-param this.parameters}}

Header Parameters

{{#header-list this.parameters}} {{/header-list}}
Name Values Description
{{name}} {{#required}}
(required) {{/required}}
{{#if options}} {{else}} {{#if required}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}}

{{{ this.description }}}

{{/if-header-param}} {{#if body.parameters}}

Body Parameters

{{#each body.parameters}} {{/each}}
Name Values Description
{{this.name}} {{#required}}
(required) {{/required}}
{{#if options}} {{else}} {{#if required}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}}

{{{ this.description }}}

{{/if}} {{#body}} {{#if attachments}}


{{#each attachments}} {{/each}}
Name Value Description
{{name}} {{#required}}
(required) {{/required}}
{{#if required}} {{else}} {{/if}}


{{/if}} {{/body}}

Request Body

{{#if doc}}
{{/body}} {{#if-template-param this.parameters}}
{{#template-list this.parameters}}

{{name}} {{{description}}} {{defaultValue}} {{required}}


HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

{{#response}} {{#if doc}}

Response Payload Elements

{{/if}} {{#if errors}}

Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • {{#each errors}}
  • {{httpStatusCode}}


  • {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{/response}}
{{!-- Only output Content Type if it exists, but make sure to check both body.contentType and parameters. --}} {{#if body.contentType}} {{/if}} {{!-- Only output Category if it exists --}} {{#if tags}} {{/if}}

Resource Summary


Content Type



{{#each tags}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}
