Can Not Expire a Rate Plan

Hi all ,

I have Rate Plan Published and the Rate Plan does not Have Expiry Date or END DATE,

The issue is I cannot end the plan or Expiry it By either Providing an END date or unable Create Future Plan for this Plan,

Erro Message:

"gatewayErrorMessage":"RatePlan with id [mof@@@calculator_pkg-myax_calculator_prepaid] is already published and not expired. Only end date can be modified to expire it

Rate Plan Details:

"advance" : true,
"contractDuration" : 1,
"contractDurationType" : "MONTH",
"customPaymentTerm" : true,
"description" : "Calculator Prepaid",
"displayName" : "Calculator Prepaid",
"earlyTerminationFee" : 50.0000,
"frequencyDuration" : 1,
"frequencyDurationType" : "MONTH",
"id" : "calculator_pkg-myax_calculator_prepaid",
"isPrivate" : false,
"keepOriginalStartDate" : false,
"monetizationPackage" : {
"description" : "Calculator_PKG",
"displayName" : "Calculator_PKG",
"id" : "calculator_pkg-myax",
"name" : "Calculator_PKG",
"organization" : {
"approveTrusted" : false,
"approveUntrusted" : false,
"billingCycle" : "CALENDAR_MONTH",
"country" : "SA",
"currency" : "SAR",
"description" : "mof",
"hasBillingAdjustment" : false,
"hasBroker" : false,
"hasSelfBilling" : false,
"hasSeparateInvoiceForProduct" : false,
"id" : "mof",
"issueNettingStmt" : false,
"name" : "mof",
"nettingStmtPerCurrency" : false,
"selfBillingAsExchOrg" : true,
"selfBillingForAllDev" : false,
"separateInvoiceForFees" : false,
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"supportedBillingType" : "BOTH",
"taxEngineExternalId" : "APIGEE01",
"taxModel" : "HYBRID",
"timezone" : "UTC"
"product" : [ {
"description" : "implemnts addition for now",
"displayName" : "Calculator",
"id" : "calculator",
"name" : "Calculator",
"organization" : {
"approveTrusted" : false,
"approveUntrusted" : false,
"billingCycle" : "CALENDAR_MONTH",
"country" : "SA",
"currency" : "SAR",
"description" : "mof",
"hasBillingAdjustment" : false,
"hasBroker" : false,
"hasSelfBilling" : false,
"hasSeparateInvoiceForProduct" : false,
"id" : "mof",
"issueNettingStmt" : false,
"name" : "mof",
"nettingStmtPerCurrency" : false,
"selfBillingAsExchOrg" : true,
"selfBillingForAllDev" : false,
"separateInvoiceForFees" : false,
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"supportedBillingType" : "BOTH",
"taxEngineExternalId" : "APIGEE01",
"taxModel" : "HYBRID",
"timezone" : "UTC"
"status" : "CREATED",
"transactionSuccessCriteria" : "txProviderStatus == 'OK'"
} ],
"status" : "CREATED"
"name" : "Calculator Prepaid",
"paymentDueDays" : "30",
"prorate" : true,
"published" : true,
"ratePlanDetails" : [ {
"aggregateFreemiumCounters" : true,
"aggregateStandardCounters" : true,
"aggregateTransactions" : true,
"customPaymentTerm" : true,
"duration" : 1,
"durationType" : "MONTH",
"freemiumDuration" : 0,
"freemiumDurationType" : "MONTH",
"freemiumUnit" : 0,
"id" : "5bfdb607-7902-41d4-bf11-ebf97e8b89e3",
"meteringType" : "UNIT",
"paymentDueDays" : "30",
"ratePlanRates" : [ {
"id" : "f115a4d3-b34d-404e-ad1f-8f301cfa0a04",
"rate" : 1.0000,
"startUnit" : 0,
"type" : "RATECARD"
} ],
"ratingParameter" : "VOLUME",
"revenueType" : "NET",
"type" : "RATECARD"
} ],
"recurringFee" : 10.0000,
"recurringStartUnit" : 1,
"recurringType" : "CALENDAR",
"setUpFee" : 50.0000,
"startDate" : "2020-10-28 00:00:00",
"type" : "STANDARD"

0 3 203


Need help on this


Could you please confirm if this rate plan is subcribed by any developer?


We are able to specify a future expiry of a rate plan by changing the toggle on UI-


and providing a date for plan expiration.



The selected rate plan expires automatically at the end of selected date. The plan end date is automatically reflected under the rate plan of a user/customer who has subscribed to the above plan.


Post setting up the expiry date on the edge ui the Future rate plan option gets visible


I have not tried this via API but only via Edge UI. Hope this helps