On Premises Apigee Edge -ldap policy question. Invalid external ldap reference.

I created ldap resource on centos ldap server:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \ \
  -u x_admin@xx.com:password \
  -d '  <LdapResource name="ldap1">    
      <ServerSetType>round robin</ServerSetType>    
    <ConnectPool enabled="true">      

Here is my ldap policy:

<Ldap name="LDAP-Validation">
    <LdapResource name="ldap1" />
        <UserName ref="request.header.username"/>
        <Password ref="request.header.password"/>

While deploying the proxy to the test environment, I get a message "Error Deploying Revision 1 to test.Invalid external ldap reference."

I checked the Audit logs and get the following message:

Update revision 12 of API proxy Python-Web-Service_rev6_2020_10_12
a few seconds ago
admin admin
Operation UPDATE
Time Oct 13, 2020 6:44 PM
Request URI /v1/organizations/opdk/apis/Python-Web-Service_rev6_2020_10_12/revisions/1?validate=true 
User admin admin
Response Code 200
Request Body''opdk''

Please help me deploying this proxy to test environment. I have been struggling with this issue for couple of days. Your help fixing this issue will be highly appreciated. Thanks,

0 2 139

Not applicable

can you please frame the codes properly? its difficult to find the code.

Not applicable

during ldap resource creation you missed port.

<Host port="636">foo.com</Host>

Please update the resource you created as below and it will work for you.

<Host port="636"></Host>