Virtual Host configuration DNS CNAME or DNS A record?

For Virtual Host setup when creating the DNS entries to point to the Apigee Org instance, can a DNS A record be used to point to the incoming northbound Apigee organization IP address instead of using a CNAME record to point the Apigee provided domain url? Is the northbound IP address to the organization a static IP?

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Hi Shannon, Apigee does not provide static IP addresses for Apigee Routers on northbound end. This is mainly due to two reasons:

  1. Apigee Routers get autoscaled and IP addresses of Routers are changed dynamically.
  2. A multi-region deployment would have Apigee Routers in multiple regions and Apigee generated domain name ({org}-{env} will be used for geographical routing.

Therefore, it is not possible to create an A record for a domain name pointing to Apigee Routers. We need to create a CNAME in the DNS configuration pointing to the domain name generated by apigee ({org}-{env} for each Edge Cloud environment. Apigee will internally route API requests to each region and Apigee Routers within the regions using the above domain name.