Regarding Portal UI

Can I Change the HTML/CSS Code inside Pages to Customize Portal?

Where I can Find the Classes Definition which is called inside every <div>.

May I Override the classes which is used already?

For Mobile View May I write my own Media Query ?

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Yes, you can modify HTML code for Page content (Pages section in your Developer Portal settings).

Custom styles could be added/modified by several ways:

Moreover, you can add your custom image assets. I've also was able to add custom fonts via base64 encoding

There are some limitations I found:

  • Can't customize html for header and footer. Only menu items can be customized.
  • Can't customize default pages for API Products

can use javascript/jquery

if yes please tell me how to ?

Will you please show one sample - how we can implement in HTML level

Please tell me on how to customize \api page. I wanted to hide\disable add app button also.