apigee support login page fails

I cannot log to support portal and respond to my open tickets, both URLs doesn't work

  1. https://apigee.my.salesforce.com
    1. Reset pw doesn't send any email!
  2. https://apigee.com/about/support/portal
    1. redirects now to https://cloud.google.com/apigee/support/
    2. I reset pw with success and logged in, but it log me in to Apigee Cloud instead Support Portal which still wants pw (go back to 1st)
1 1 331


https://apigee.secure.force.com/portal/ and login in with original credentials & you will see the old support portal.

I think apigee support should have notified (may be i missed it or never shared about the changes anyways was also saw these changes )


NOTICE: Starting June 19, 2019, the Apigee Support Portal located at https://apigee.com/about/support/portal, will redirect to our new Support Home Page. For more details and to prepare for this change, read this FAQ


Support portal chat never works and not sure the reason for it though.(used to work but atleast it doesn't most of the times).
