What is the maximum request payload size allowed for a Hosted Target?


I'm working on a hosted target which is returning "413 Request Entity Too Large" for a JSON payload of about 250KB. I know node.js has a default limit for requests defaulted to 5MB.

I'm wondering if this limit is different for Apigee hosted targets and if so, if there's way to have it modified.

0 4 17.4K

In APIGEE cloud the request size can be upto 10mb so please check the hosted target configuration for your organisation ref https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/hosted-targets/hosted-targets-overview

also please confirm what type operation you are performing on hosted target proxy. Is it streaming?

Thanks Ravindra. It's a regular POST, I'm not streaming.

Hi Kener,

Hosted Targets has an implicit limit of 32 mb; however, from previous community posts, Edge limits request payloads to 10 mb https://community.apigee.com/questions/2763/what-is-the-maximum-allowed-size-of-the-payload-of.html.

So 250KB should definitely be fine. Can you provide a bit more detail on where/how you are seeing this issue?



Hi Kener,

Check if you are using body-parser in Nodejs code (which has default size limit as 100 mb) you can increase the limit.

app.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '5mb'}));

