Custom search engine in integrated portal.

I created Custom Search engine in i am implementing that in apigee integrated portal i need a search box to search content from the portal.but unable to get the search box. Created html page and added the get code from google under body and div tag. Search button itself is not redirecting. script is which the code from google.Please help me to get the search tab or search box in the portal. Attached Screenshot of code.
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Also having the same issue adding html scripts onto pages.

can you please help me to get the customer search enabled ?


See Create a custom search page for details on how to add a search page and hook it up to your Google custom search engine.

Hope this helps!


Hi , Previously I referred this page and created custom search engine, Creation is successfull but when I implement it in Integrated dev portal iam unable to get the search box. If i run separately as html page it is working.


Apologies! It will depend on which version of the portal you are using. If you are using the original version and have not migrated to the new version, you should follow the instructions in this section:

Create a custom search page (original version)

If you confirm that you are using the new version of the portal, make sure that you update the path to your search page in this line of the script:

if(path ==='/your-search-page-URL')

Let me know if this resolves your issue.

