Is it better to create documentation for PRODUCT or API in dev portal.Since API documentation will not give information about product and Developers have to subscribe to a product.Just API documentaiton will not be helpful for the developer

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Dear @VMuralitharan6 ,

  • Developer Portal is front end for APP Developers.
  • Developer Portal is used to display API Documentation, APP Developer Onboarding, Create APPs, Give Access to APIs via API Products.
  • When you Create APP , you will get access to APIs based on API Products that you choose.
  • If you would like to create new API Product, then you have to use APIGEE Edge Management UI
  • API Products are just like packaging multiple APIs together so that you can give access to set of APIs together.


Anil Sagar

Not applicable

My question was creating document for Products in Dev portal will give developers a better sense of what they are subscibing to..Instead of creating documentation for APIs which will not give enough information on the product you are subscribing to incase the product involves multiple APIs who will the developer know the information about the product by looking at the API documenation

Dear @VMuralitharan6 ,

Thank you for more details. Its a great feature to have out of the box in Developer Portal.

SmartDocs doesn't support documentation for API Products as of now. But, You can easily create documentation using Drupal Out of the Box Content Types, Views Module to display API Products documentation content. You might need little bit of Drupal Expertise to achieve same.

Yes, Its possible & may be couple of hours custom work. But not available out of the box. Hope it helps.


Anil Sagar