File transfer through apigee Edge. It supports 10 MB in cloud and 3MB in on-prem. What is alternate solution if more than 10 MB


I have use case to send and receive files (maximum 5 files) and total size 250 MB (max file is up to 120 MB) through apigee.

Apigee supports only 10 MB in cloud and 3MB in on-prem. What is alternate solution for my use case if apigee is not supports more than 10 MB file size.

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Check out this doc,

  • 10MB in Edge Cloud
  • 10MB in Edge for Private Cloud

You need to enable Streaming on both request and response.

Alternatively, you can increase the size by making changes to the MessageProcessor config in OnPrem. But IMO 120/250MB are huge files for Apigee. It may have an impact on your memory.

Do you have any ESB component in your infrastructure?

We are not using any ESB. We need to integrate with AWS S3 and Lamdas.

We are using cloud version and it supports up to 10 MB. How can we achieve 250 MB in edge cloud version.

Check the above doc and enable Streaming.

See how it works.