Custom dimension in Statistics Collector is not appearing in Apigee Cloud Analytics

In Apigee Cloud Enterprise instance I have added Statistics collector policy and added the policy in all possible flows. I am trying to generate a report based on flow name. However, custom attributes of flow name is not appearing in analytics dimension section.

I have waited more than 2 hours to reflect the custom dimension. Any help will be appreciated.

My Statistics collector policy looks like this -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<StatisticsCollector async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="SC_CollectFlowName">
        <Statistic name="FlowName" ref="" type="string">Unknown</Statistic>
0 2 179

May be you could use the Management API and verify whether those custom statistics are recorded?

$ curl{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/{statistic_name}?"select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=3/25/2019%2000:00~3/28/2019%2000:00&timeUnit=day"
-u email:password


Thank you. I checked after couple of hours of adding, it appears now.