How does Apigee support the concept of DRY - don't repeat yourself?

Not applicable

As our API program has grown and we have deployed more apiproxy bundles we find that we are doing a log of copy and paste with javascript and policies. Is there a way in Apigee to avoid having multiple copies in multiple places of the same configuration and code?

2 4 330

yes, and here is a short answer - you could typically manage it as resources and define the scope of reusability -- organization wide or an environment wide or just to an api proxy, this is oob and is applicable for all your code artifacts be it java, js, python or node

Other than code, rest all are just configurations - you configure a Quota policy, you configure a ExtractVariables policy. If these configurations need to be reusable - its usually handled in the continuos delivery process taking advantage of the management APIs. There are several approaches how you could handle this - one for eg, you could use this maven plugin.

More best practices are here .

And also see the Administrative API for loading resources into an Edge organization, here.

Not applicable

Not applicable

The link @Maruti Chand provides describes the most common way we have achieved this for customers - use of the proxy dependency Maven plugin available at: