Public Cloud: Audit user activity

New Member


We are using public cloud. I checked that we can have audits of API, shared flow, policy, KVM ec through management api. Is it possible to get the logs/audit of user activity also on public cloud. We need to :

1. audit all failed authorisation activities

2. audit authentication and authorisation activities

3. Audit user activity

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New Member

Authentication is not audited, if you use Apigee Edge signin. In other words, a signin or authentication event is not recorded in the Apigee Edge audit log.

If you use federated identity (SAML), then your own identity provider would keep the authentication (sign in) audit log.

re: user activity and failed authorization.

The audit log tracks all UPDATES by users. It does not track "all user activity". Specific examples:

  • If a user browses 14 different API Proxies, there is no audit record generated.
  • If a user modifies an API Proxy, this is recorded in an entry in the audit log
  • if a user attempts to deploy an API Proxy in an environment, but the request is denied because of lack of authorization, this is recorded via an entry in the audit log
  • if a user attempts to read a KVM in an environment but the request is denied, this is not recorded in the audit log.

Thank you Dino.